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Waste Air Conditioning Recycling Scheme

HomeWaste Air Conditioning Recycling Scheme
Time:2022-08-19 Views:294

With the rapid development of social economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, there are more and more types and functions of various household refrigeration equipment, and the penetration rate is also increasing year by year. In China, with the improvement of the living environment and the further opening of the power market, the market demand for air conditioning is strong. The increase in the number of household refrigeration equipment is followed by a sharp increase in the number of Waste Refrigerators and air conditioners. If they can not be recycled in time, a large amount of harmful garbage will be generated. At the same time, material resources and some rare metals will be wasted, resulting in serious problems such as increased energy consumption and environmental pollution.
At present, the recycling of waste household appliances in China is still mainly backward and workshop style. The usual way for private workshops to recycle waste household appliances is to sell the reusable waste household appliances to the second-hand market after simple maintenance and sorting; For those that can't be reused, simply disassemble and recycle the reusable components. The rest is burned, pickled and soaked to recover precious metals. Finally, throw away the worthless parts everywhere. This recycling method has backward technology, serious environmental pollution and serious waste of resources.

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